What gets my goat more than anything is the fact when Halloween comes around it's not only my race that gets the shaft, it's every other "minority" group. With Halloween being 3 days past i can firmly say I didn't see my share of stupidity, but the internet sure did.
I was able to see what the great America has to offer and to say the least I'm just disappointed. Seeings how Ray Rice is one of the biggest controversies right now tasteless cows decided that having their children dress up as him in semi-blackface is classless. But who am i to judge...
Like I said before other cultures were just as attacked.
ISIS is a very real threat and a very real problem in our time, but people think it is okay to dress as and mock a situation where people are losing their lives. It seems that we as a people still don't get it. I thought my simple Arthur Ashe costume payed homage, but others just can't get with the program.
Not only are we letting other mock us, but we are mocking are selves. This is my major problem. When we agree to costumes of us being lynched, or walking with friends dressed as the KKK what does that say about us? I'm gonna say I'm fully disappointed in how even we seem to think that these actions are perfectly fine. I'm more so scared of how people can justify these actions.

Let's take this picture from Buzzfeed that shows a man dressed a member of ISIS. Now I get Halloween is fun and games, but would this guy still be as ampd to dress as a terrorist if that had been his brother, father, or uncle getting beheaded? I don't think so! It very stereotypical as well to become someone from the middle east and have a machine gun in their hands. Imagine having to live this life everyday. There are children and people who have to worry about a stray bullet everyday while this guy is okay playing dress up. I'm so done...
Everyday I wish I could wake up where the supposed majority would just get their ish together, and we can coincide in a harmonious situation... A Boy can dream right?
Shawn B.
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